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  • $24.00 The Instructions of Ptahhotep
    This hieroglyphic text, familiar to Egyptologists, but unknown to the general public, dates from 6th Dynasty Egypt, over 4,000 years ago -- proof that the oral and written components of African culture are both ancient...

    An ancient Egyptian song of young love, here translated into 12 African and European languages. A breath of fresh air, a welcome change from the standard themes of royal power and the mystification of priests...

  • smi n skhty pn
    $24.00 smi n skhty pn
    One of Africa's oldest written texts, over four thousand years old. This intriguing story contrasts the egalitarian values of a straight-talking peasant with the hierarchical might-is-right attitude of a corrupt state...

  • Sanhat
    $21.00 Sanhat
    The Story of Sanhat, an Official of Kemet SANHAT, among Africa’s oldest written literary texts, comes from the time of King Sehotepibre, three thousand eight hundred years ago. Sanhat, an officer returning from Libya...

  • Osiris Rising
    $21.00 Osiris Rising
    Osiris Rising, Armah's sixth novel, is structured after Africa's oldest narrative, the Isis-Osiris myth cycle. Traveling to Africa on a search for lifework and love, Ast, an African American scholar, gets immersed in history...

  • Two Thousand Seasons by Ayi Kwei Armah
    $16.00 Two Thousand Seasons by Ayi Kwei Armah
    A story set in the worst centuries of the slaving wars. Sold by a collaborator king, the protagonists organize a liberatory revolt, then return home to begin the struggle for a humane future.

  • The Resolutionaries
    $21.00 The Resolutionaries
    Lighthearted when it focuses on the self-serving elite, somber when it probes the resultant suffering of a continent, this novel is about Africa today. Its theme: how knowledge of Africa's real past could energize the future...

  • Les Guérisseurs by Ayi Kwei Armah (French translation of The Healers)
    $22.00 Les Guérisseurs by Ayi Kwei Armah (French translation of The Healers)
    Seeing disunity as the disease at the root of Africa's destruction, The Healers, a group of companions, work to create the antidote: unity. Translated into French by Cheikh Hamala Diop.

  • The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born by Ayi Kwei Armah
    $19.50 The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born by Ayi Kwei Armah
    The Beautiful One (Wn Nefer in ancient Eqyptian) was the spirit of social change, guardian to devotees of progressive transformations, aka the beautiful ones. This novel contemplates the promised coming of such African life...

  • Harmattan Rain by Ayesha Harruna Attah
    $16.00 Harmattan Rain by Ayesha Harruna Attah
    Harmattan Rain follows three generations of women as they cope with family, love and life. A few years before Ghana's independence, Lizzie-Achiaa's lover disappears. Intent on finding him, she runs away from home. Akua...

  • Fragments by Ayi Kwei Armah
    $21.00 Fragments by Ayi Kwei Armah
    A member of the African elite groping its way out of the background of slavery and colonialism, Baako sees his education as preparation for the lifework of a socially innovative artist. His family, more pragmatic, expects an...

  • KMT: In the House of Life by Ayi Kwei Armah
    $17.00 KMT: In the House of Life by Ayi Kwei Armah
    A revelation, in fiction based on historical research, of hidden linkages between the pharaonic scribes of ancient Africa, the oral traditionalists of the feudal empires, and the scholars of contemporary Africa.

  • The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
    $21.00 The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
    Seeing disunity as the disease at the root of Africa's destruction, The Healers, a group of companions, work to create the antidote: unity.