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smi n skhty pn

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Product Description

One of Africa's oldest written texts, over four thousand years old. This intriguing story contrasts the egalitarian values of a straight-talking peasant with the hierarchical might-is-right attitude of a corrupt state official. PER ANKH offers a line-by-line transliteration of the hieroglyphic text, translated into 9 African and 3 European languages (Akan, Bambara, English, French, Hausa, Kikongo, Kiswahili, Lingala, Portuguese, Pulaar, Wolof and Zulu). Useful for scholars in literature, language and Egyptology, as well as for general readers. 

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  1. Smi n skhty pn 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 12th Sep 2023

    The book seems to be a interesting read on mainly African languages.

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