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Osiris Rising

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Product Description

Osiris Rising, Armah's sixth novel, is structured after Africa's oldest narrative, the Isis-Osiris myth cycle. Traveling to Africa on a search for lifework and love, Ast, an African American scholar, gets immersed in history as living continuity. In a pillaged society where slaveraiders' heirs masquerade as aid donors, and colonies are disguised as nations, Ast still finds her home in a quiet community working to bring the continent's people together. The love of friends focused on the making of an African future absorbs her pained consciousness of a world destroyed.

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  1. Transformation - Osiris Rising 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 20th Apr 2022

    For no particular reason, I starting reading Osiris Rising at Chapter 4 - Set, and as of a few minutes ago, have devoured the pages through Chapter 9. What a fascinating and well-told story. Reading this follows my introduction to Armah through his non-fiction works, The Way of Companions, and the Eloquence of the Scribes. It all makes perfect sense. Next I am reading Resolutionaries then The Healers, then Fragments and Remembering the Dismembered Continent.
    All of this, as I dig into Cheik Anta Diop and Theophile Obenga, and take an online class in Divine Speech, being taught at Knubia by Dr. Mario Beatty.
    All of that to say that the ancestors are opening the door to African ways of knowing, which with technology and innovation, enable transformation into the best of our past and future selves, right here, right now.

  2. Powerful story 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 28th Jan 2021

    Beautifully told story of change and nourishing ourselves from our roots. One of my favorite new books.

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